Showing posts with label Vatican Power Struggle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vatican Power Struggle. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2013

Cardinal Bertone Describes "Vipers" and "Crows" in the Curia

Edit: While Neoconservative commentators and hired guns are shooting the messenger, one of the most powerful men in the Catholic Church is confirming those of us who have been warning. We'd put up an article in the past from Katholisches, which was the most accurate thing we'd seen before or since, about the civil war within the Curia between the evil creatures of ++Sodano, and the earnest newcomers of ++Bertone. Some might recall the frank and public scolding delivered to the Liberal incoming CDF, who attempted to intervene like a loose canon on behalf of a dissident university in South America.

Now it seems that the reforming being slowly attempted by Pope Benedict during his pontificate is going to be toned down in favore of what Pope Francis describes as "dialogue, dialogue, dialogue", with a discouraging appointment of one of ++Sodano's creatures, Archbishop Parolin.

It's not often that a Curial official will speak so frankly about his enemies in the Church, people that those of us who pay attention are familiar. We are certain that there will be little attention devoted to this by the usual suspects, who will pretend that all is well. As anti-Church Guardian writes:
The Italian prelate who was Pope Benedict's righthand man in the Vatican during his scandal-dogged papacy has defended his much-criticized record, insisting he "gave everything" to the job despite the activities of "vipers" in the Roman curia.

Speaking a day after Pope Francis named a Vatican diplomat as his new secretary of state, Tarcisio Bertone appeared defiant as he was asked about his time in office.

"I see the record of the past seven years as positive. Of course, there were a lot of problems, especially in the last two years," he said, according to the Ansa news agency, hitting out at "a combination of crows and vipers".

H/t: Pewsitter.
Photo: @Catholic Romanticism
Crow Photo: Flickr

Thursday, October 25, 2012

News -- Paolo Gabriele Seen at Decadent Suppressed Monastery Santa Croce

Strange Networks -- Alcohol Auxiliar: 160 Hours of Public Service -- With the Homo-Terror in the Sex-totalitarianism -- Against the Old Liberal Wooden Hammer Method -- Socialistic Double Standard

Strange Networks

Vatican.  The Pope-betrayer Paolo Gabriele was connected with the Old Liberal Roman Cistercian Abbey of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme.  That was reported by the US-Blog ''.  The Abbey was suppressed by the Pope after serious allegations of decadence.  The author of the blog explained that Gabriele and his family were personally sighted in the Abbey.

Alcohol Auxiliary:  160 Hours of Community Work

Poland.  The Auxiliary Bishop of Warsaw Piotr Jarecki must serve 160 hours of community service.  The judge condemned him after his alcohol fueled tripe with almost three per parts per thousand into a lamp post. (0.3% ++Codileone's was 0.11%)  The Auxiliary Bishop accepted his punishment.  He will lose his driver's license for four years.

Homo-terror in Sex-totalitarianism

Germany.  Soon, the German convert and writer Gabriele Kuby's book "Die globale sexuelle Revolution" will be published.  In almost five hundred pages she hammers many hot topics.  She shows how the UNO and the EU are puppeteers of sexual decadence.  She warns against sexual equality,  of political manipulation of the language and the plague of pornography.  Finally, Mrs. Kuby revealed the homosexual movement and its dependence on totalitarianism.

Against the Old Liberal Wooden Hammer Method

Germany.  Pastor Benedikt Bunnagel of Ratingen in the Archdiocese of Cologne dismissed the German wooden hammer manner of proceeding toward Church-tax.  This was reported by the 'Rhenische Post'.  AT present the German Church is sending a document to departing members, that informs them of their "serious mistake" against the Church community.  Fr. Bunnagel does not want to sign such a letter.  He announced this in his sermon and earned applause.  The Archdiocese of Cologne will not suffer any shirkers. The letter must be sent without alterations, explained the Press Speaker Nele Harbeke of the Archdiocese.   In matters of -- not demanded in central questions of the faith -- obedience canon there is no choice for the pastor.  A priest may only supplement a personal document.

Socialistic Double Standard

"Peer Steinbruck has collected at least 698,000 euros since 2009 through lectures and board activities.  There is data from the Bundestag, but also business reports with details of the compensation for a board of director's chair were accounted for."

From the online edition of the German boulevard magazine 'Bild' on 8 October.  Comrade Steinbruck is number one in the list of the best paid among German Budestag representatives.

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