Showing posts with label Dean Schanzle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dean Schanzle. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2012

Coverup Continues: German SSPX Threatened by Diocesan Attorney

Edit: here's a translation from the Society of St. Pius X in the German district, which is currently being threatened by the local Diocese of Rottenburg:

The coverup attempt surrounding the scandal Mass of Ochsenhausen enters its second round.

Now the Diocese of Rottenburg is attempting to put pressure on  A few days ago the editor received a threat from the Diocesan Attorney Dr. Felix Hammer. (photo)

Today (October 25th) is when the first deadline will expire.  Then the Diocese of Rottenberg will sue Instead of admitting and to suppress and to forbid Dean Schanzle from going back and repeating,  the Diocese is threatening those with the complain, who have brought the abuse to public attention.

Now only appealing to Rome will help.  Please help with making the Liturgical abuse in Germany known (Ochsenhausen is only  one example of numberless).

Here is video-evidence of the breach against a decree of the Council:

Therefore no other person, even if he be a priest, may add, remove, or change anything in the liturgy on his own authority. (SC 22§3)

Bitte wenden Sie sich an die Kongregation für den göttlichen Kult und die Sakramentenordnung in Rom:

Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti Il Prefetto Palazzo delle Congregazioni Piazza Pio XII I-00193 ROMA

 Faxnummer: 0039 06 698 83 499 

Email-Adresse: (Write in German or English; will try to get an Italian sample)

Your Excellency,

According to the instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Sacramental Ordo of 25 March 2004 I would like to supply the following appeal so that "the most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist will be protected from every form of irreverence and disrespect and all abuses will be completely corrected."

I am enclosing the following Carnival Mass of Ochsenhausen inclusive of Can 1476 for illustration, which shows a serious attack against the Liturgy in the following video.

The Dean there has published in the newspaper his intention to repeat the abuse ("A Fool's Mass will take place on Fasnets-Hochburg (Carnival) in Ochsenhausen. There will be people there who aren't churchgoers," said Dean Sigmund Schänzle from S.Z. 6/1/2012),  may it please Your Excellency to intervene urgently. 

 Yours Faithfully, X

Girls dressed as angels enter the church on skates, while a turning carousel mounted by a beauty queen brings the bible to the ambo.  A Carnival Mass, which we still haven't seen in our latitude.

These photos should bring Dean Schänzle and the Diocese of Rottenburg to reconsider.

Because principally there is no difference between the march of a Carnial group with drums and trumpets into the pilgrimage church of Ochsenhausen.  The whole thing is only somewhat more extensively formed, even South American.

Or will Dean Schänzle insist that his Carnival Mass is "according to the Council", while the south American is really not?

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