Friday, July 30, 2010

Archbishop of Zaragosa Presides Over Traditional Burial

Fides et Ratio

At 9:41 AM, by Isaac García Expósito

Archbishop Manuel Ureña Pastor, Archbishop of Zaragoza, presided over a solemn funeral, which was conducted entirely in Latin and the ancient liturgical books in the Parish of Épila. This beautiful memorial service was fully justified by the beauty of the temple and the historic nature of the event.

During a restoration, the remains of the family of the Count of Aranda, who have rested in the church of Épila since 1745 - had to be moved. The entire ceremony was done using traditional ritual, with ornaments in black, and sung in Latin (De profundis, Domine Deliver me, In Paradisum, Ego sum, etc.).

Monsignor Ureña also gave a great reflection on the meaning of death and Christian hope. It was very well received by the faithful who packed the church.

The stupid prejudices of the past decades are abandoned and the liturgical heritage of the Catholic Church is used again and is supported enthusiastically by the faithful.

Link to original ...Fides et Ratio (more photos)

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